We are sure you would like to know more about our CSS service – Shopping in EU. We decided we will share with you how we are moving forward. Today we are going to show you results from March that showcase interest from merchants’ side about our service.

Comparing results from February shows the results are better by 183,33%.

From all contacted we successfully switched 85 advertisers. These merchants use our Free Program. The Free Program can be used by anyone as long as they provide us access to their Google Ads account with Primary link.

Some advertisers can’t provide us Primary link and for them we have a great tailored-made price offer. If you have more any questions regarding our programmes, contact us. 

Clients still in progress represent 43. These merchants have decided to use our Free Program and we are still gathering necessary information to switch them and to use our full support 24/7. 

css partner shopping in eu

The biggest part of advertisers (57%) from March come from Slovakia, but gradually we see increase in advertisers from Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Romania.

Join other satisfied clients on European market

We are happy that our clients see the results, especially in these times. Decrease of cost, better CPA and higher ROI. So why not use the opportunity to be visible and on top of your results?