We can define the year 2022 as strong and turbulent. Aggression in Ukraine started at the beginning of the year, and it continues to this day. Because of this, a lot of e-shop owners were worried that this would affect their online advertisement, and for a very short time, they were right. The months of February and March were weaker than in previous years, but this trend did not continue in April. This situation showed precisely that it is impossible to ignore what is happening around us, but we must continue with our lives, and hope that the situation will change as soon as possible.

The next big event was the relaxation of COVID restrictions. We gradually got to experience the feeling of freedom again, and of course, everyone went outside to enjoy and shop. Similar to during the pandemic, e-shop owners asked questions, e.g. “is it worth it for them to have physical stores open” because their advertising did well enough during the pandemic and that was enough for them. Of course, every e-shop has found a reliable method of operation. The very opening of physical stores also affected online, but e-shops already had such strong advertising that they only felt the change gently.

Quarterly results for 2022

As a CSS partner, we registered increased interest in the CSS itself. This is exactly an indicator that people learn over time and of course, come up with certain solutions. We are extremely happy that CSS has proven to be one of the best solutions to improve Shopping and Performance Max campaigns.

In 2022, we became a Partner for over 400 e-shops. Our CSS is currently used by over 800 e-shops, for which we not only improve CPC but also advise on setting up and optimizing Google Ads campaigns.

As we can see from the table, the first quarter is directly linked to sales after the Christmas season and during this period ads still sell very well online. The second quarter is somewhat weaker, but in this case, the situation in Ukraine is also to blame. People were worried and therefore bought less. The third quarter is the weakest every year, mainly because of the summer vacation season. The last quarter is the one where every e-shop tries to improve advertising and sell as much as possible.

This comparison is an excellent opportunity to analyze the overall European market and include this information in your process of creating a marketing strategy

Year-round results from Google Ads

Clicks137 626 669
Impressions9 603 900 713
Average CPC0,15€
Number of conversions3 708 053
Conversion value4 617 250 682 €
Conversion rate1,64%

We would gladly compare the results of the year 2022 with the year 2021, but it would be useless because over 400 e-shops joined our CSS in 2022. In any case, even without comparison, we noticed an increased interest in Shopping / Performance max campaigns and, of course, in their correct setting. It should be noted that a certain number of clients have completely stopped text ads, which can be fine from the point of view of optimizing budgets, but from the point of view of the performance of the entire Google Ads account, it is just the opposite.

The text ads, when separate, are often displayed at the same time as the Shopping ad from the Performance Max campaign. However, if it is part of the Performance Max campaign, it may happen that it will not be displayed at the same time and the Shopping ad might be prioritized. In this way, you lose not only traffic to the e-shop, but also potential sales.

Brand strength was another topic that e-shop owners began to mention more frequently. Brand awareness campaigns are much more difficult to set up, and we definitely recommend finding a specialist or a marketing agency to implement these campaigns.

We have noticed an increasing trend in the performance of PPC campaigns when e-shops launched Brand awareness campaigns at the same time!

These types of campaigns are attractive to every type of customer, and the correct setting will guarantee not only the improvement of PPC campaigns but also the traffic of the e-shop. By building your own brand, you can more easily create a permanent customer database that can buy from you for many years due to the strength of the brand. Also, customer loyalty itself is much higher than when you have a lesser-known e-shop.


In 2022, we absorbed an enormous amount of new information about advertising. As a team, we have moved a step further in terms of knowledge and we have also improved our support. We always try to follow the trends in every country where we provide the CSS program, and even though there are 21 countries, we trust each other enough to be able to advise you without any problems.

If you have the opportunity to invest in online advertising, we definitely recommend a strategy to strengthen your brand. Brand awareness campaigns offer many ways to become more visible in the online space, and if you would like to know more, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to provide you with relevant information and discuss the possibilities of advertising.

If you are starting new projects, creating new e-shops, or expanding to new countries, don’t forget that the CSS program can increase not only the number of ads displayed but also the overall performance of campaigns.