As we said in our previous blog, free product listings are coming to the EU before the end of year. At that time, we didn’t know when it would be.

In the past few days, Matt Brittin announced that free listings on the Shopping tab (Surfaces Across Google) coming to EMEA in mid-October.

What does this mean for you?

When this service launches, the Shopping tab will be redesigned to enable separate paid and unpaid experiences, with an ads carousel across the top, and unpaid experiences listed beneath.

Shopping Ads will work as usual, with free products listings on the Shopping tab complementing them

Surfaces Across Google

This means, if you are going to use only unpaid ads, your competition who are using paid ads will be prioritised in the search results.

To be eligible for this program, your feed needs to be in the perfect shape. It must meet the Data and eligibility requirements for Enhanced Listings.

Once this service will be live, you will be able to view performance in the Merchant Center. You can check out official google best practices regarding performance reporting.

What about your feed?

As we said before, free product listings on the Shopping tab are powered by the Surfaces across Google. The infrastructure for Surfaces across Google is live in the EU where Shopping ads are available, but they are not working yet. Feeds were opted in by default at the time of launch, but can be excluded either entirely or for individual offers.

Surfaces across Google
Surfaces Across Google

What will happen if you are using multiple CSS partners?

You can choose one CSS through which you will participate in Surfaces across Google by clicking on your CSS dashboard that is available in the Merchant Center.

By default, the CSS with the most uploaded inventory for a given merchant has been selected.

You can switch to another CSS at any point via the CSS dashboard. CSS selection for Shopping ads is unaffected.

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